Unlimited Monthly Membership


Community Driven Movement, Made with You in Mind

We strive to support every body, at every stage of life. Our goals, both in classes and as members of this community are to continue to challenge ourselves physically but also socially. To speak and connect in a deeper way than just physical. 

We celebrate what our bodies can do, instead of focusing on how they should change. We don’t comment on changes we see in others bodies because there are so many more interesting things about us. Although we are a movement space we are not limited to those topics, because we are a community that strives to challenge limitations. In every way. For every body. 

So much more than all are welcome, but this was made with you in mind.

Meet the Team

Teresa Parsons : Co-Owner

I discovered yoga later in my life when I began practicing in 2016. The positive impacts of my yoga practice has been empowering. I wanted to create a community that offers support, encouragement, understanding and acceptance at any age or ability. A community that applauds the new yogi, the experienced yogi, the young and the old yogi and everything in between. A community with acceptance to grow your practice at your own pace. The acceptance that sometimes you just need to take up space, or sometimes you need to take your practice further than even youexpected. This is the community that allows you to be you and me to be me. I am excited to share intentional movement thru yoga and to create a space for people who never thought they could do yoga due to age or ability. I’m grateful for the opportunity to bring this space to people who wanted to try yoga but were unsure or uncomfortable to try.When there is a desire to move, when there is desire to learn, when there is desire to improve the physical and mental wellbeing AND a desire to do this in a space you feel welcome, then this must be the place, the community where you belong.

I don’t remember a time that I didn’t love movement, but I do remember a time that I wouldn’t have said that. For a long time I thought you had to play sports or join a dance class, and honestly, I was way too scared for that. I didn’t want to be judged or embarrassed. ⁣But I made up dances in my living room and invented new sports in my pool and climbed every tree I saw. I moved for joy, and found teaching movement as a way to show people that joy. A way to show people they could embrace the embarrassment and own the weird. A way to normalize differences as strength and failure as success. I’ve been teaching movement in one form or another for the last 20 years. Everything from coaching youth swim teams to barre, cycle, and yoga. ⁣And it was through that movement that I first found community. I think I searched for a long time, never finding my place and feeling pretty heartbroken about that. The opportunity to build a community full of people who may have felt that same way is the best thing I have ever been given the opportunity to do in my whole entire life. In a lot of ways, building community feels like my whole damn purpose.⁣

Brenda Watson: Co-Owner/Instructor

Leigha Owens-Pritchard: Instructor

I have been hanging out on a yoga mat for most of my adult life and sharing what I’ve learned with students for the last eight years has been a joy. To me, practicing and growing in community is invaluable in today’s world.

In shared space we can find both a support system and a mirror in one another. Reflecting each others inherent goodness can be one of the most nurturing ways strengthen our own desire to grow into our best selves.

My hope in our times together at The Yoga Place is that we can hold space for curiosity and develop our ability to converse with our bodies with loving awareness. I hope to help you find peace and power on your mat, and resilience in your day to day life.

India Lind: Instructor

My love for movement began at a young age with dance, particularly tap! After college, group fitness took the place of daily dance classes and I was hooked. Moving with a group to the beat of music? What could be better than that! I started my teaching journey with Barre3, leading classes with joy as a focal point for over 5 years. I'm new to teaching yoga as of 2024, but when it comes to guiding a class of people in movement, I know it in my bones. When community comes to mind I think of support, encouragement, inclusivity, and safety, I hope to bring these elements into each and every class I teach. I'm beyond thrilled to be representing fat fitness instructors and fat people in fitness, if my teaching inspires even one person to feel more comfortable and brave enough to join a group class, I'll have made my dreams come true. I'm a sagittarius sun, my enneagram number is 3 and my favorite movie is Legally Blonde! I can't wait to move with you! 

Grace Breen: Instructor

Movement has always been an integral part of my life. I grew up as a dancer which played a formative role in my love for collective movement.

Through dance I found a passion for barre and yoga. I started teaching barre3 classes and became an avid yoga practitioner in college. Teaching yoga reminds me of why I fell in love with dance: the creativity, the commitment to a daily practice, the balance of individual and collective energy moving together in harmony. It is the community that shows up, grounds me, and allows me to be authentically myself.

My hope is to bring thoughtful, warm hearted and challenging classes to the yoga place. I can’t wait to tap into the magic together.

Kalena Bone: Front Desk

Growing up I tried out the usual team sports up, none of them igniting much excitement. but found swimming and gymnastics were natural fits for me. Most movement growing up was inspired by play and exploration; riding bikes with friends, playing mermaids in the pool all summer long, chasing chickens, and exploring to see how far we could follow the creek beyond the boundaries of the park and my friend’s property. I had stints of trying to make a habit out of “going to the gym” and running as I got older, but intuitive movement is what I’ve always been drawn to. A yoga class in college at the U of O introduced me to the yoga, and years later, after dabbling here and there, my aunt, close friend, and co-creator of The Yoga Place, Teresa, invited me to go to a yoga class with her. Since then, developing my personal practice to a place where I can bring my focus inward and move in a room full of people as if no one is watching, is something I didn’t expect when I started. An engaging and respectful group of people working together to create and maintain a safe space to support one another in positive growth. A place to belong, grow and thrive.

We can’t wait to move with you

4730 Village Plaza Loop

Eugene, OR


Stay in touch

541-654-4475 I info@yogaplaceeugene.com